Quantitative Ability Practise Test-II
Welcome to Math Mock Test-II
This Quantitative Ability mock test for CAT 2012 contains the questions related
to the number system: LCM & HCF, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Average, Time,
speed and distance, Simple Interest and Compund interest, Time and work, Set
theory, Ratio and proportion, Clocks, Calendar and quadratic Equations. In CAT,
questions in mathemetical section are designed to check the basic conceptual and
calculation skills. After attempting this quantitative ability mock test you can
easily analyse how well you are prepared for the CAT mathematical section .
The total number of questions in this CAT math mock test is 10. Every question
carries one mark. You have total 10 minutes to complete the mock test. If you
don't submit or finish the test till 10 minutes, the test will be submitted
automatically and you will be navigated to the result page.
!!!!!!!All The Best!!!!!!!